The CROWN Act: Ending Race-Based Hair Discrimination in Texas

In September 2023, Texas made a pivotal move to promote workplace equality by enacting the CROWN Act legislation. This essential legislation, abbreviated from “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” aims to end race-based hair discrimination by prohibiting judgment or penalties based on natural hair textures or protective hairstyles. It addresses and bans discrimination commonly associated with race, targeting hair texture and hairstyles.

Understanding the CROWN Act

Abbreviated from “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” the CROWN Act introduced the prohibition of discrimination. It targets race-associated hair texture and styles, including braids, locs, twists, and bantu knots.

Importance of the CROWN Act

Hair discrimination often disproportionately impacts individuals of African descent, leading to unfair treatment in hiring, promotions, and daily workplace interactions. By implementing the CROWN Act, Texas embraces diversity and fosters an environment where employees can express their cultural identity free from discrimination

Key Provisions of the legislation

  1. Ban on Discrimination: Texas employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their hair texture or protective hairstyles. Employers must ensure that workplace policies do not prohibit or limit hairstyles, such as braids, locs, or afros.
  2. Inclusive Policies: Employers should revise grooming policies to promote inclusivity and avoid unintentional discrimination against employees with natural or protective hairstyles.
  3. Training and Awareness: Employers urge training and raising awareness about the CROWN Act and cultural competency to foster a respectful, inclusive workplace.

Steps for Texas Employers to Comply with the CROWN Act

To comply with the legislation and promote an inclusive workplace, Texas employers should:

  1. Review and Update Policies: Examine current grooming and appearance policies to ensure they align with the legislation. Eliminate any language that could be interpreted as discriminatory against natural hair textures or protective hairstyles.
  2. Educate Employees and Management: Provide training sessions to educate employees and management about the legislation and diverse hair textures and styles, promoting inclusivity and respect.
  3. Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Encourage a workplace culture that celebrates diversity. Emphasize the importance of allowing employees to express their cultural identity through their hairstyles without fear of discrimination.
  4. Implement Clear Reporting Procedures: Establish clear procedures for employees to report instances of hair discrimination. Ensure that all reports receive serious attention and are promptly addressed to maintain a respectful workplace environment.


This legislation is a groundbreaking law that promotes equality and inclusion in Texas workplaces. By prohibiting race-based hair discrimination, Texas is taking a stand against unfair treatment and fostering a more inclusive environment for all employees. Employers must take proactive steps to comply with this legislation, ensuring their policies and practices respect and celebrate diversity.

By embracing the CROWN Act, employers not only ensure legal compliance but also cultivate a positive and inclusive workplace culture. For more detailed information on the CROWN Act, visit the official Texas Legislature website.

By comprehending and implementing the legislation, Texas employers can establish an inclusive workplace where every employee feels valued and respected, regardless of their hair.

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