In recent years, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have emerged as a key mechanism for delivering infrastructure and public services in Peru. As the country continues to prioritise economic development and infrastructure improvements, understanding the intricacies of forming Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) is crucial for both public and private entities engaging in PPP projects. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the process of incorporating an SPV in Peru, providing insights into the legal framework, key considerations, and practical steps involved.


Introduction to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Peru


Peru has been at the forefront of PPP adoption in Latin America, leveraging private sector expertise and capital to address its infrastructure deficit and promote sustainable economic growth. PPPs offer an innovative approach to infrastructure development, allowing public entities to tap into private sector resources while transferring project risks to the private sector. With a robust legal framework and favourable investment climate, Peru has attracted significant interest from domestic and international investors seeking opportunities in various sectors, including transportation, energy, healthcare, and telecommunications.


Understanding Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)


At the heart of many PPP projects lies the concept of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). An SPV is a distinct legal entity established for the sole purpose of carrying out a specific project or transaction. In the context of PPPs, SPVs serve as the vehicle through which public and private partners collaborate to design, finance, construct, operate, and maintain infrastructure assets. By isolating project risks and liabilities from the balance sheets of the participating entities, SPVs provide a level of financial protection and flexibility that is essential for attracting private investment.


Legal Framework for SPVs in Peru


In Peru, the legal framework governing SPVs is primarily outlined in the General Law of Companies (Law No. 26887) and the Regulations for Public-Private Partnerships (Supreme Decree No. 097-2012-EF). These regulations establish the requirements and procedures for incorporating and operating SPVs, ensuring transparency, accountability, and legal certainty throughout the project lifecycle. Additionally, specific sectoral laws and regulations may apply depending on the nature of the PPP project. These laws further shape the legal landscape for SPVs in Peru.


Key Considerations for Incorporating an SPV


Before embarking on the incorporation of an SPV in Peru, stakeholders must carefully assess various factors to ensure the success and sustainability of the PPP project. Also, some key considerations include:


Project Feasibility: Conducting a thorough feasibility study to assess the technical, financial, legal, and environmental viability of the project.
Risk Allocation: Identifying and allocating project risks among the public and private partners in a manner that incentivises performance and mitigates potential liabilities.
Corporate Structure: Determining the appropriate corporate structure for the SPV, taking into account tax implications, governance arrangements, and ownership interests.
Financing Arrangements: Securing financing through a mix of equity, debt, and other financial instruments tailored to the specific needs and risk profile of the project.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and administrative procedures governing PPPs and SPVs in Peru.


Practical Steps to Incorporate an SPV


The process of incorporating an SPV in Peru typically involves the following steps:


Pre-Incorporation Activities: Define the project scope, objectives, and partnership structure. Conduct due diligence, negotiate agreements, and secure necessary permits and approvals.
Company Formation: Prepare and file the necessary documents to register the SPV with the Public Registry of Legal Entities (Registro Público de Personas Jurídicas). This includes drafting the articles of incorporation, appointing directors, and determining the corporate bylaws.
Capitalisation: Capitalise the SPV by contributing the required initial capital in accordance with Peruvian corporate law and regulatory requirements.
Registration and Licensing: Obtain any additional permits, licenses, or authorisations required to commence operations, such as construction permits, environmental permits, or sector-specific licenses.
Operationalisation: Once incorporated, the SPV can begin executing the project according to the terms and conditions outlined in the PPP contract and other relevant agreements.


In Summary


Stakeholders must understand legal, financial, and operational aspects to navigate PPP and SPV complexities. Follow this guide to incorporate SPVs effectively. This unlocks PPP projects’ potential, driving economic growth and enhancing infrastructure. It also improves public services for all Peruvians. As Peru prioritizes sustainable development and attracts private investment, SPVs foster public-private sector collaboration for shared prosperity.

Key Takeaway Points from this blog:

1. Importance of PPPs in Peru:

  • Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are essential for addressing Peru’s infrastructure deficit and promoting sustainable economic growth by leveraging private sector resources and expertise.

2. Role of Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs):

  • SPVs are critical in PPP projects, providing financial protection and flexibility by isolating project risks and liabilities. They facilitate the design, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure assets.

3. Legal Framework:

  • The General Law of Companies and PPP Regulations govern SPV incorporation and operation in Peru. This ensures transparency, accountability, and legal certainty throughout the project lifecycle.

4. Key Considerations for Incorporating an SPV:

  • Stakeholders must first assess project feasibility and risk allocation. Next, they should evaluate corporate structure and financing arrangements. Finally, ensuring regulatory compliance is crucial for the success and sustainability of the PPP project.

5. Steps to Incorporate an SPV:

  • The incorporation process involves pre-incorporation activities, company formation, capitalisation, registration and licensing, and operationalisation to effectively execute PPP projects in Peru.

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