In recent years, Peru has seen a surge in public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a means to address infrastructure development needs while leveraging private sector expertise and investment. Among the various PPP models, co-financed private initiatives stand out as a strategic approach to infrastructure development. This blog aims to provide a detailed legal guide for navigating co-financed private initiatives, focusing on the PPP in Peru.


Understanding Co-Financed Private Initiatives


Co-financed private initiatives involve collaboration between public entities and private sector partners to develop infrastructure projects. In this model, the private sector typically provides financing, construction, operation, and maintenance services, while the public sector retains certain responsibilities and risks. Also, these initiatives often entail a combination of public and private funding sources, making them a hybrid form of PPP.


Legal Framework in Peru


In Peru, co-financed private initiatives are governed by specific legislation and regulations aimed at promoting transparency, efficiency, and accountability in PPP projects. The key legal framework includes:


Law on Public-Private Partnerships (Law No. 29230): This law establishes the general principles, procedures, and requirements for PPPs in Peru, including co-financed private initiatives. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of public and private entities, as well as the mechanisms for project selection, approval, and implementation.

Supreme Decree No. 059-2015-EF: This decree regulates the procedures for the selection and award of co-financed private initiatives. It sets forth the criteria for evaluating project proposals, conducting feasibility studies, and negotiating contracts between public entities and private partners.

Public Procurement Law (Law No. 30225): This law governs the procurement process for PPP projects, including co-financed private initiatives. In addition, it establishes the rules for competitive bidding, contract award, and dispute resolution, ensuring transparency and fairness in the selection process.

Regulatory Guidelines: In addition to legislation, regulatory agencies such as ProInversión provide guidelines and procedures for implementing PPP projects. These guidelines cover various aspects of project development, including risk allocation, financial structuring, and contract management.


Key Considerations for Co-Financed Private Initiatives


When undertaking co-financed private initiatives in Peru, several legal considerations should be taken into account:


Project Structuring: Proper structuring of the project is essential to ensure alignment with legal requirements and objectives. This includes defining the scope of the project, allocating risks and responsibilities, and establishing clear contractual arrangements between public and private parties.

Risk Allocation: Co-financed private initiatives involve the allocation of risks between public and private entities. Legal agreements should clearly define each party’s risk exposure and mitigation strategies to minimise adverse impacts on project outcomes.

Financial Arrangements: Financing arrangements play a critical role in co-financed private initiatives, requiring compliance with banking and securities regulations. Legal advisors can assist in structuring financing packages, negotiating loan agreements, and ensuring compliance with relevant financial laws.

Compliance and Governance: PPP projects are subject to regulatory oversight and compliance requirements throughout their lifecycle. Legal advisors can help navigate regulatory challenges, ensure compliance with legal obligations, and establish effective governance mechanisms to safeguard project integrity.


In Summary


Co-financed private initiatives represent a promising avenue for infrastructure development in Peru, offering opportunities for public-private collaboration and investment. In addition, by understanding the legal framework and key considerations outlined in this guide, stakeholders can navigate the complexities of PPP projects more effectively and contribute to sustainable development outcomes for the country. Furthermore, As Peru continues to pursue infrastructure modernisation and economic growth, co-financed private initiatives are poised to play a central role in shaping its future landscape.

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