Chile’s employment laws have seen significant evolution, aiming to protect workers’ rights. One such law is Ley Karin. It serves as a pivotal piece of legislation that fosters a safer and more respectful work environment. Here’s a closer look at this law and its implications for Chilean workplaces.

What is Ley Karin?

Chile enacted Ley Karin, officially known as Law No. 21.643, to actively promote workplace dignity and safety. The law actively focuses on preventing both psychological and sexual harassment in the workplace. It imposes strict obligations on employers to ensure that their workplaces are free from any form of harassment.

Key Aspects of Ley Karin:

  • Prevention of Harassment: Employers must implement measures to prevent psychological and sexual harassment.
  • Protection of Victims: The law protects employees who report harassment, ensuring they do not face retaliation.
  • Employer Obligations: Companies must provide training on harassment prevention and create channels for reporting misconduct.

Why Was Ley Karin Introduced?

The Chilean government introduced Ley Karin in response to growing concerns over workplace harassment. In the past, many workers often encountered harassment without receiving adequate protection. The law represents a commitment to improving workplace conditions and safeguarding the dignity of every worker.

Employer Responsibilities Under Ley Karin

Employers in Chile now have several responsibilities under Ley Karin. These include:

  • Creating a Harassment-Free Environment: Employers must actively work to eliminate any form of harassment.
  • Implementing Training Programs: All employees should receive regular training on identifying and preventing harassment.
  • Establishing Reporting Channels: Employers must provide accessible and confidential channels for employees to report harassment.
  • Conducting Investigations: Employers are required to investigate harassment claims promptly and impartially.

Benefits of Ley Karin for Employees

Ley Karin brings numerous benefits for employees in Chile, including:

  • Increased Protection: Employees now have greater legal protection against workplace harassment.
  • Empowerment to Report: The law encourages victims to report harassment without fear of reprisal.
  • Improved Workplace Culture: By mandating training and prevention measures, the law promotes a healthier, more respectful work environment.

The Impact of Ley Karin on Chilean Workplaces

Since its implementation, Ley Karin has had a profound impact on workplaces across Chile. Companies are now more proactive in addressing harassment. The law has also raised awareness about the importance of maintaining a dignified work environment.


  • Increased Reporting: There has been a notable rise in harassment reports since the law was introduced.
  • Cultural Shift: Workplaces are gradually shifting towards a more respectful and inclusive culture.
  • Legal Consequences: Companies failing to comply with Ley Karin face legal penalties, further enforcing the importance of adherence.

In Summary

Ley Karin marks a significant advancement in Chilean employment law, being a positive step forward. By prioritising the dignity and safety of workers, it fosters a work environment where respect and professionalism prevail. Employers must remain vigilant in upholding the law’s standards, ensuring that every workplace in Chile is free from harassment and discrimination.

5 Key Takeaway Points:

Here are five key takeaway points from the blog:

  1. Ley Karin (Law No. 21.643) actively aims to prevent workplace harassment in Chile, particularly targeting psychological and sexual harassment.
  2. Employers are required to implement harassment prevention measures, including training and establishing reporting channels.
  3. The law protects employees who report harassment, ensuring they are safeguarded from retaliation.
  4. Ley Karin has led to increased reporting of harassment and a cultural shift towards more respectful workplaces in Chile.
  5. Non-compliance with Ley Karin can result in legal penalties, emphasising the importance of adherence by employers.

360 Business Law can expertly guide businesses through Ley Karin by offering tailored legal advice and comprehensive training solutions. Our team in Chile ensures compliance with the law, helping companies implement effective harassment prevention measures, establish clear reporting channels, and conduct thorough investigations. With 360 Business Law’s support, employers will confidently navigate the complexities of Ley Karin. By working closely with their team, businesses can foster a safer and more respectful workplace, effectively avoiding legal risks along the way.


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