Jack Gove, CEO & Co-Founder

The Client

Sex Brand has been working with 360 Business Law for over a year. 

Sex Brand is a soon-to-be launched disruptor and challenger brand that will offer products to enhance and support people’s sex lives. Sex Brand are entering the market with a refreshing approach to sexual wellbeing in a modern world which is ‘waging war on sex’. Their mission is to encourage a full and healthy sex life, and to reframe sexual wellbeing as an integral part of general health and wellness.

sex brand logo

What was Sex Brand looking for in a law firm?

Jack identified 2 interrelated problems that he had encountered when working with more ‘traditional’ law firms. The first being that it seemed as though there was a tendency to take more time than necessary to complete any given task. And the second being that they would charge too much for their time. 

As an early-stage business that is mindful of its budget, Sex Brand was looking to avoid extortionate fees for legal work that seemed to prioritise billable hours over efficiency. 

Why 360 Business Law?

Due to our unique business structure, we are able to provide Sex Brand with legal services for a smaller cost. But we’re not just more fairly priced, we work on a transparent fee basis for the highest-caliber of legal work. 

As such, Jack noted the high efficiency of every lawyer that they have worked with, the quality of their work, and the more palatable fees for their time. All-in-all, first-class legal services at a manageable cost for their business. 

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