The National Executive Power (PEN) has achieved a significant milestone in transforming Argentina’s Economic Landscape. Congress has approved a substantial part of the bill proposed by PEN, signalling a crucial step forward in Argentina’s economic transformation.

A Boost to Argentina’s Economy

This approval comes at a pivotal moment. Argentina’s economy is witnessing a notable decrease in inflation, a surge in government bond values, and a rise in the worth of publicly traded national companies. Additionally, the country’s international credit is on the mend, creating a favourable backdrop for these legislative changes.

Delegation of Powers to PEN

One of the critical articles passed by Congress delegates certain parliamentary prerogatives to the National Executive Power (PEN). This delegation, allowed by the Argentine Constitution, mandates PEN to periodically inform Congress of its actions. PEN now has the authority to implement measures to enhance state efficiency, reduce state structure, ensure transparency in spending, and balance public accounts, all aimed at achieving a zero fiscal deficit. These objectives, along with economic deregulation, have been consistently championed by PEN.

Privatisation Moves Forward

Congress has also green-lit the privatisation of several state-owned companies. While some privatisation plans were not expressly rejected, the future of other companies remains undecided. This move is part of a broader strategy to streamline the state’s involvement in various sectors.

Incentives for Investment

A significant highlight of the bill is the approval of a capital whitewash regime and a moratorium for tax arrears. Moreover, the government has established an investment incentive scheme (RIGI), offering tax and customs advantages for investments in key sectors such as mining, energy, technology, oil, gas, infrastructure, and tourism. Investors have two years to present their projects, aiming to stimulate economic growth and development in these critical areas. PEN has announced its intention to push for the inclusion of additional sectors in the future.

Future Prospects

While the Senate rejected some items, these can still be enacted if the Deputies House insists on the initial bill. This legislative process underscores the dynamic nature of Argentina’s political landscape and the ongoing efforts to rejuvenate its economy.

In Summary

The BASES ACT represents a significant step towards modernising Argentina’s economic framework, fostering investment, and ensuring sustainable growth. With continued efforts from PEN and the support of Congress, Argentina is poised for a period of robust economic development.

360 Business Law provides expert legal services to help navigate the complexities of Argentina’s economic transformation. Our team offers strategic advice on compliance, investment opportunities, and privatization processes outlined in the BASES ACT.

We ensure businesses leverage tax advantages and investment incentives effectively, aiding in successful project execution across sectors like mining, energy, technology, oil, gas, infrastructure, and tourism.

With 360 Business Law, you gain a partner dedicated to guiding your business through Argentina’s evolving legal and economic landscape, ensuring optimal outcomes and sustainable growth.

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