Revolutionising Legal Support for Global Businesses

International business legal challenges can be daunting and costly. 360 Business Law is transforming how companies access global legal services.

A Unique Offering

360 Business Law provides comprehensive legal services in over 90 countries through a single monthly subscription fee. This approach simplifies legal support for international businesses. In 90% of cases, the annual subscription cost is less than hiring a mid-level lawyer in the UK or USA.

This represents a significant financial saving while ensuring access to high quality legal counsel across the globe.

Clients sign one global contract, receive one monthly invoice, and submit matters to a single email address. This streamlined process includes a dedicated business development manager and lead counsel responsible for your workload. Our 48-business-hour service level for the turnaround of submitted matters means we can assist in achieving quicker sales completion timelines.

Comprehensive Coverage

The subscription model offered by 360 Business Law encompasses a broad spectrum of legal services in both commercial and employment law. Whether a business needs assistance with contract negotiations, regulatory compliance, employment disputes, or any other legal matter, the firm’s extensive team of experienced lawyers is ready to provide expert guidance.

This model can be cost effective for an SME trading in the UK but is particularly beneficial for public and private companies with a global footprint, as it eliminates the need to engage multiple law firms in different jurisdictions. Instead, one fee grants access to legal counsel in all necessary countries, fostering consistency and efficiency in legal support.

Cost-Effective Solution

Traditional legal services can be prohibitively expensive. 360 Business Law’s subscription service offers a cost-effective alternative, consolidating legal expenses into a single, predictable monthly fee. This allows businesses to better manage budgets and allocate resources efficiently.

The potential savings are significant. The subscription cost is often less than a mid-level lawyer’s salary in the UK or USA, yet it provides access to a vast team of legal professionals worldwide. This is attractive for SMEs and larger corporations looking to optimise legal expenditure.

Experience and Expertise

360 Business Law has been providing global legal services for over 10 years. Our firm employs highly qualified counsel with an average of over 12 years of experience. Many of our lawyers have trained in prestigious magic and silver circle firms, bringing extensive knowledge and expertise. With over 500 counsel worldwide, our clients receive the best possible legal advice and representation.

High-Tech Infrastructure

Our proprietary high-tech, secure cloud-based infrastructure supports our operations. This ensures our services are effective, efficient, and secure. Advanced technology allows us to deliver seamless legal support to clients worldwide, enabling communication and meetings with their lawyers.

Simplifying Legal Complexity

Navigating the legal landscapes of multiple countries is complex and time-consuming. Different jurisdictions have varying regulations, compliance requirements, and legal practices. 360 Business Law simplifies this by providing a single point of contact for all legal matters. Our experts are well-versed in international law’s nuances and offer tailored advice for each jurisdiction.

This unified approach saves time and reduces the risk of legal mistakes from dealing with multiple law firms. With 360 Business Law, businesses can trust their legal affairs are managed cohesively and comprehensively.


360 Business Law’s global subscription service is a game-changer for businesses seeking efficient, cost-effective, and comprehensive legal support. Offering access to expert counsel in over 90 countries for a single monthly fee, the firm sets a new legal industry standard. This innovative approach reduces costs and simplifies international legal compliance complexities, making it invaluable for global businesses.

For companies navigating commercial and employment law challenges across borders, 360 Business Law provides an effective, revolutionary solution. Embrace the future of legal services with a partner that understands international business intricacies and delivers unparalleled support every step of the way.

How to Sign Up

Robert Taylor would be delighted to have a conversation with you to demonstrate how 360 Business Law can reduce your legal spend, provide you with quality advice from seasoned experts and significantly reduce the time it takes to turnaround workload. With 360 Business Law – legal bottlenecks are a thing of the past.

Please email and we can set up a mutually convenient time to talk, or call 0333 772 0826.

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